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Clubfoot deformity can be described as internal rotation, plantar flexion, and supination of the foot.  It occurs 1 in 1,000 births according to the most recent study at NIH.  Clubfoot is a very treatable deformity when managed correctly. COPI is part of the orthopedic community in West Tennessee that has treated children with clubfoot for more than 30 years.  It is through this experience that COPI has developed a successful program with successful outcomes. COPI practitioners are integrated with the Orthopedic Surgeons who practice the Ponsetti Method for treating Clubfoot Disorder. Their expertise in this treatment modality is vital to the outcomes of the treament protocol. Attention to the every detail of the design, fit and function of the afo system for clubfoot patients is critical.  The practitioners at COPI will create the most appropriate treatment plan to yield the best result in correcting Clubfoot Deformity.

For the most up-to-date information on our services

contact our clinic directly at 901-757-5461

Center for Orthotic & Prosthetics, Inc.

6655 Quince Road #124

Memphis, TN 38119-8031

For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 911

© 2020 by Center for Orthotic & Prosthetics, Inc. (COPI). Website by RLJ Designs

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